AVC Documents

Regularly reviewing our key FAAVHC governance documents will help you stay informed about the purpose and operations of our wonderful Co-op. Below are the most important ones to be aware of. Additional useful documents can be found under Resources > Coop Documents.

The Co-operative Association Act 

Offers a legislative framework for BC’s housing co-operatives generally. The CHFBC Guide to the Co-op Act  lays out how we can understand and comply with the Co-op Act.

Operator Agreement

Our Co-op is the result of a unique Operator Agreement with the City of Vancouver and the Co-operative Housing Federation of BC (CHF BC). The agreement includes a 60-year lease of City-owned land. The Operator Agreement supplements the Lease by setting forth details of the agreed day-to-day and long-term operational requirements applicable of our Co-op.

Rules of FAAVHC

Set out how our Co-op is governed: defining membership, outlining Board responsibilities, describing the scheduling of meetings, creating a dispute resolution process, etc.

Occupancy Agreement

Is like a rental agreement and describes various Member responsibilities. The Rules and the Occupancy Agreement (Schedule A to the Rules) are filed with the BC Registrar of Companies.

Member Handbook

Contains our policies – our internal documents that help govern the day to day operation of the Co-op. Members agree to follow these policies as part of the Occupancy Agreement (section 7). Policies may relate to Co-op maintenance and governance, but also deal with practical matters such as how to deal with pets, parking and co-op payments. The Member Handbook also provides information to members, from background about the surrounding neighbourhood, to details on practical matters concerning your unit and Co-op.

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