Useful Info


Could you please let me know if anyone in your family has a food allergy, and if so, what foods they are allergic to? If you indicate you would like your family's information to remain confidential, I will list the allergen, but not your name.
Thank you,
Francesca (407)


Last allergy survey, Oct 2021

Do not use

We have young community members with the following allergies, please do not hand out food items containing these ingredients:

  • Brazil nuts
  • Cashews
  • Pecans
  • Pistachios
  • Walnuts

Label clearly

We have adult community members with allergies to the following items, please always label them very clearly:

  • Celiac disease (wheat, barley, rye, spelt, etc. including regular soy sauce)
  • Dairy
  • Nightshades

Flexipass Discount

Athlete's Village Co-op residents aged 19-64 get a 25% discount on Vancouver Parks Board Flexipasses! (Does not apply to Youth or Senior passes, which are covered by a different discount)

A Flexipass gives you unlimited access to all of Vancouver Park Board's pools, fitness centres, and skating rinks (including Creekside) You can see more details here:

You can buy one of the following length of passes:

  • 1 Month - $44.96 (regularly $59.95)
  • 3 Month - $121.40 (regularly $161.87)
  • 12 Month - $388.48 (regularly $517.97)

To buy your discount flexipass you must be 19 or older, and a resident of the Athlete's Village Housing Co-op. The co-op office can give you a letter as proof of residency, bring it to any Vancouver Parks Board facility to purchase your pass. (Sometimes they have trouble finding our record, so it is easiest to buy them at Creekside.)

If you have any questions, please contact Francesca at

Happy swimming, skating, and sweating!

Neighbourhood Links

Enerpro Billing FAQ - for our water and heating systems

Creekside Community Centre

Raven Song Community Health Centre

London Drugs Recycling and also the new Flexible Plastics Recycling

roowsi - cheap rentals for gear we don't have room to store

Food Take-out / Delivery Options

Favourite places suggested by community members

Restaurant delivery

Delivery service

  • Enroot Meals
  • DoorDash


We meet as a co-op a few times a year to hear about, discuss, and vote on co-op business. These meetings are relatively informal and usually include food and drink and a social either before or after. We strongly encourage all Members to attend. We especially love when new Members , introduce yourselves, and ask questions! At least 2 weeks before a meeting you will receive an information package (usually in the form of a hard copy left at your door) about the meeting.

AGM = Annual General Meeting
Our AGM is usually in January each year. This is the more formal of our meetings. There are agenda items we are legally required to cover. We also hear reports from the committees or groups who want to share or make announcements and we get to elect the new Board of Directors! What to expect:

  • Approve the audited statements.
  • Elect the new Board of Directors.
  • Hear about what’s been happening in the coop
  • Meet new members
  • Celebrate / acknowledge member milestones

GM = General Meeting
We hold 1 or 2 General Meetings each year. These tend to be less formal and can be more tailored for discussion of topic issues by Members. What to expect:

  • Topics covered vary based on need, may be for Member input on current topics/issues
  • Hear about what’s been happening in the coop
  • Meet new Members
  • There may be an opportunity to vote on matters that concern Members

Who does what at a GM or AGM?

  • Chair:  Facilitates the meeting. The chair aims to balance running on time, achieving the stated goals of the meeting, and allowing for all voices to be heard.
  • Secretary: Our coordinator keeps meeting minutes that are made available to Members after the meeting.

How to participate

  • Sign in with the coordinator when you arrive at each meeting. You will then receive a card with your unit number on it you can raise to make motions or vote.
  • Listen and consider asking questions.
  • To ask a question: raise your unit number card in your hand and wait for the meeting chair to acknowledge you. You may be asked to hold your question until the question/answer period.
  • To suggest that an item be added to the agenda please email . Emails that are received by the Wednesday before the bi-annual AGM meetings will be added to the agenda.

How to make a motion

Using your unit voting card rise and address the chair:

  • Madam President or Mr. President, Madam Chairman or Mr. Chairman
  • The presiding officer assigns you the floor by stating your name or nodding at you.
  • State the motion: I move to . . .or I move that . . . .

Sit down after you make the motion.

The motion requires a second by other member with unit voting card.

The presiding officer repeats the motion and places it before the assembly by stating:

  • It is moved and seconded that . . . . Is there any discussion?
  • Members discuss the motion by rising, addressing the chair, and being assigned the floor.

The presiding officer takes a vote by stating: All those in favor say "Aye." Those opposed say "No."

The presiding officer announces the vote and whether the motion is adopted or defeated. If the motion is adopted, the presiding officer states the name of the person who will carry out the action.

  • The ayes have it, and the motion is carried. We will . . . .
  • The noes have it, and the motion is lost.


Lobby / Common Room / Parking Garage

name: AVC Members
password: 151westfirst2023

Email questions to

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