Interested in joining a committee or creating a new committee? While volunteering on a committee is not mandatory in our co-op, it is exactly this work by Members that makes our co-op great! We invite you to check-out the committees that are active in our co-op. If any pique your interest, please connect with the committee contact to find out ways to get involved.
If you want to start an initiative or committee, please contact the board to share your idea. The board will ask any new committee to submit a terms of reference. Here is the terms of reference template:
- Beekeeping Team
- Bike Committee
- Board of Directors
- Communications Committee
- Courtyard Committee
- Events Committee
- Garden Committee
- Laundry Committee
- Policy Committee
- Sustainability Committee
- Workshop Committee
- Committees Wiki
- Welcome Committee
- Youth Committee
- Membership Policy Committee
- Education Committee
- Snow Clearing Committee
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