Policy Committee

Terms of Reference


The Policy Committee will work to research and develop guidance for the AVC Board of Directors regarding rules and policies. To accomplish this, the Committee will:

  • Review existing AVC policies
  • Conduct research for new AVC policies as requested by the Board
  • Draft policies for consideration by the Board
  • Edit policies based on Board feedback
  • Conduct consultation with AVC Members on proposed policies, at the direction of the Board
  • Compile feedback from AVC Members and provide recommendations to the Board
  • Develop a proposed procedure for updating policies

History/why the committee was started
In 2018 the Board requested assistance on refining the ‘Sub-Letting Policy’ with input from the Membership as the first deliverable.

Resources and budget
The Board and Coho will provide the Committee with any relevant technical data as requested.

All recommendations agreed to by the majority of the Committee will be put forward to the Board.


Nels Anderson, nels.anderson@gmail.com 
Jenna Bedore, jennabedore@gmail.com 
Celise Bellamy, celisebellamy@gmail.com 
Caitlin Cooper, ecaitlincooper@gmail.com
Fearghal King, fearghalking@gmail.com

New members always welcome!

Committee Meetings

Frequency: The Policy Committee will meet as frequently as we deem necessary, approximately monthly. We will communicate by email between meetings.

Open/Closed: Open to any interested member.


Policy Committee files in Google Drive

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