Board of Directors
The Board of directors (as of January 30, 2024)
- Reanne Bowlby
- Jeff Bradshaw
- Jordan Dawe
- Fearghal King
- Debra Rolfe
- Jacob Sayles
- Sophie Sherlock
The Board of the Co-op is made up of 7 elected Member positions. The board handles the governance of the Co-op and meets monthly. Consider running for the Board! It is a great opportunity to learn more about our community the CHFBC, CHF Canada, and co-operative living. See our Contact List for our current Board members.
Can I attend Board meetings?
Yes! Members are welcome to attend the open portion of Board meetings. If you want to bring something to the Board's attention – a great idea, a sublet request, a recognition for a co-op member or members, a suggestion or contribution to the community – please use the new "Contact the Board Form." Typically, the Board will require at least 3 working days notice to include an item on the upcoming agenda.
Board meetings are generally held on the third Wednesday of each month
The meeting starts at 6:00 and the first item is the Management/Financial report (approx. 60 minutes) which is by invitation only. So expect to be kept in the waiting room until this item is finished.
Zoom URL:
All members are welcome to attend all portions of the agenda except for the Management/Financial report (by invitation only) or when items are In Camera.
- Beekeeping Team
- Bike Committee
- Board of Directors
- Communications Committee
- Courtyard Committee
- Education Committee
- Events Committee
- Flooring Committee
- Garden Committee
- Laundry Committee
- Membership Policy Committee
- Policy Committee
- Snow Clearing Committee
- Sustainability Committee
- Welcome Committee
- Workshop Committee
- Youth Committee
- Committees Wiki