Youth Committee


Approved July 2022


The Youth Committee (“YC”) was established to provide co-op youth (children eight years old and older) with a voice in the co-op's community. The YC may undertake their own initiatives, work on projects in partnership with other Committees or provide input to other Committees or the Board. 

The YC will have at least two co-chairs, including at least one youth co-chair and one parent or guardian co-chair.  The YC may have a secretary or one or more vice co-chairs. Quorum for meetings will be at least two parent or guardian members and at least two youth members, including at least one co-chair or vice co-chair or secretary.  If there is a tie vote on a motion made, the motion will not pass.   In the future, the YC may consider expanding to be a Parent, Child and Youth Committee.


Parents and guardians:

Jenny Woodruff

Lisa Levitt

Francesca De Freitas

Katherine Lee

Lindsay Alford


Josie, David, Michaela, Liam, Eoin, Maddox, Simi, Devon



Frequency: Meetings will be held at least once a quarter, and more frequently if needed.

Open/Closed: The Committee is open to youth and their parents or guardians (as voting members). Other co-op members may attend meetings and participate as guests.

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