Garden Committee
Terms of Reference
The First Avenue Athletes Village Cooperative Community Garden Committee functions to promote community engagement through connecting members to gardening, local food and nature. Through hands-on education and shared learning, children and adults learn and teach gardening, healthful eating and to care for natural areas collectively. People cooperate to create and sustain healthy communities by growing food and caring for nature within their urban environments. We are committed to working toward an equitable food system by ensuring access to garden space and healthy food, and by educating beginning farmers and gardeners of all ages.
Our strength comes from welcoming diverse experiences, cultures and points of view, and from respecting the integrity of the natural world. We are committed to collaborative decision-making. We partner with and support the efforts of others who share in the work of building enduring communities.
We share in the collective responsibility to steward and protect the earth’s resources by maintaining natural and organic practices where possible. We strive to serve as a model for innovative land use within the City of Vancouver and Olympic Village, by developing program designs and strategies to grow food in a cooperative manner that supports healthy lifestyles. We invite people to work together and to stray off the path, allowing individuals to define their own experiences and interactions within a shared natural resource.
Lindsay Alford (Chair)
Diane Holt (Treasurer)
Ryanne James
Deb Cooper
Pouneh Bahrami
Mila Timoshevskaya
Susan Moroney
Adele Later-Ball
Danny Berish
Meetings are held monthly from February to November with community work parties and special events through the growing season. Check the elevator for upcoming meeting dates.
Members are reminded to follow COVID protocols in the rooftop garden spaces.
Open/Closed: Open
Meeting Minutes
- Apr 21, 2021
This folder is empty.
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- Garden Committee
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