Events Committee

Events Committee


We usually meet monthly. If you are interested in hosting or helping with an event, please come to a meeting or get in touch! Meetings are open to all members! We meet virtually over zoom, or outside during warm weather.  Zoom link is listed on the main page


The purpose of the Events Committee is to establish a calendar of events to bring members of the co-op together. The scope of the Events Committee is to plan and host events, and facilitate members wishing to host events, that are open to all co-op members. The membership of the Events Committee includes a Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary, however, committee meetings will be open to all co-op members. Quorum will be at least three committee members, including the chair or the treasurer.


  • <volunteer needed>, Chair
  • Lerin Oystryk,Treasurer
  • Marisol Santos, Minutes
  • April Ens, Member at Large
  • Erin Offer, Member at Large
  • Tehya Mackenzie, Member at Large
  • Jenny Bernard, Member at Large
  • All of the co-op residents who host and attend events

We are hiring co-op kids to be monthly gofers!

We're always looking for volunteers to host events!


If you have receipts from an event, please please get them signed by the Treasurer or the Chair and hand them in to the office. The board will sign reimbursement cheques at the next meeting. 

Meeting Minutes

Annual Reports

Annual reports are informal and usually not recorded.

Useful Links

Latest Monthly Calendar

Annual Events List Spreadsheet

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