Last Updated:
October 14, 2021
Francesca de Freitas
| Version: 2
members are following updates on this item.
Tuesday, Oct 12, 2021
Attendees: Francesca, Marisol, Emily Kennedy
Draw for monthly co-op star award vouchers
Winners: Amanda (star) Lerin (nominator)
Reviewed and reported on action items from the previous meeting
The Board only approved the purchase of the piano but has no plans for the piano and have appointed Matt as Events committee liaison to determine policies regarding borrowing/signing in/out and where to place it (common room/kitchen/lobby)
Luis has moved the safe that Francesca was in charge of looking into
The Board has approved a new dishwasher in the kitchen
Dungeons and Dragons - Cole is too busy, but Francesca will speak with the D&D team at Eric Hamber to volunteer with the co-op and sign off on their volunteer hours
Yoga outdoors - successful outside but restrictions have been changed so yoga can be done indoors
Kids’ literary journal - put on hold because of play
Thank you’s for events in the last month
Josie for the kids’ Wizard of Oz play
Jenny Woodruff for helping with organizing and emailing the parents
All participants on the Wizard of Oz
Caitlin and family and friends for helping with Halloween decorating
October/November Events
Halloween (Emily is planning this with 2-3 other coop members who have volunteered)
Pumpkin decorating (will figure out how to get members to bring their pumpkins down to courtyard)
Door decorating (take pics and voting for best door, possibly in person - drop off ballot to each unit)
Trick or treating - possibly have volunteers stationed in and around the coop to hand out candy to the kids and then go to the Hinge Park to parade
Will look into an earlier start (4:30/5)
Junk removal - will happen in November
Clarify rules for kid-led event funding - require approval, the co-op members need to be invited
Board has requested a new member meet and greet, floor buddies say they will come - $50 budget
Ryanne has offered to host a weekend neighbourhood walk about and building tour. She could give some history of the building, neighbourhood and talk about the co-op guidelines, rules and resources. - provide $50 budget
The kids’ gopher program has been successful
Cookie walk - all coop members can walk around the coop while other members provide cookies - possible after relaxing of Covid measures
Rain covers for outdoor events - will just think about until next month
Replacement dolly for one that was stolen - approved by the Board
Replacing AV equipment can be discussed next month
Action Items:
April and Lerin will look into resorting the books in the common room and will pose the question to the coop on if they use the book deposits from VPL
Emily to look into finding someone who is willing to get playground updates researched
Francesca to talk to Kim face to face about the playground updates
Francesca to look into next quiz night in November
Committee members to ask Mark about where to put AV gear if purchased
Francesca to talk to Leigh about the choir contacts and organization
Marisol to ask Mikaela to do bubble letters to draw eye to community notices
Francesca to host a meet and greet event with all co-op members
Francesca to ask Gardening committee why the tarp up in the North garden was put up and then taken down