Last Updated:
November 10, 2021
Francesca de Freitas
| Version: 4
members are following updates on this item.
Attendees: Francesca, Marisol, Emily K, April
Draw for monthly co-op star award vouchers
Winners: Emmily (star) Brianne (nominator)
Reviewed and reported on action items from the previous meeting
AV equipment will have an entire room for storage. The door will need to be fixed first. Events Committee, Board and Alan will have access
Francesca talked to Leigh about the choir contacts and organization and has all of the contacts and information
Mikaela will do bubble letters to draw eyes to community notices and will be called “Community News”.
Francesca spoke to Gardening committee why the tarp up in the North garden was put up and then taken down. The gardening committee has various discussions going on with regards to rain covering for meeting outdoors.
Thank you’s for events in the last month
Emily and everyone who organised the Halloween events (Eve, Emmily, Lauren, Jenna, Jenn) and those who volunteered to hand out candy on the first floor.
Pouneh for the craft/pumpkin carving
Caitlin and helpers for cleaning up after Halloween decorating
November/December Events
Quiz Night - Nov 20
Francesca will create posters and put them on the lifts and lobby
Need Alan to send out another email to remind everyone (with Francesca’s email linked at the end?)
Journal - Francesca will work on it this month
Sent board reminder re: Coho bonuses
Organise cards
Jenny Woodruff will organize Secret Santa
Cookie Swap - Sara is busy so will need new organizer
Pouneh is looking at dates for the Resident Business Expo
Pouneh is looking at dates for crafting events and will get back to us (stuffed dolls for November and Christmas crafts for December)
Work order submitted for Christmas tree, Tuesday Dec 7 - will need volunteers for lobby decorating
Dec 21 - Solstice - drinks will be served to those who are masked and have their own cups
Christmas caroling in the courtyard in the week before Christmas
Holiday Skating - Emily will follow up and keep us posted
Garden movie nights in the winter, weather allowing
Replacement dolly for one that was stolen - approved by the Board
Action Items:
April and Lerin will look into resorting the books in the common room and will pose the question to the coop on if they use the book deposits from VPL
Emily to look into finding someone who is willing to get playground updates researched
Francesca to talk to Kim face to face about the playground updates
Francesca to host a meet and greet event with all co-op members
Emily will get a list of songs and lyrics for the Christmas caroling and look for volunteers to lead the carols
Francesca to talk to Ryanne about hosting a weekend neighbourhood walk about and building tour
Emily will look for someone to lead the lobby decorating and anyone who would like to include any other decorations that are not Christmas related (e.g. menorah)