Last Updated:
January 12, 2022
Francesca de Freitas
| Version: 1
members are following updates on this item.
Tuesday, Jan 11, 2022
Attendees: Francesca, Marisol, Emily Kennedy, April
Draw for monthly co-op star award vouchers
Winners: Sean Price (star) Nels (nominator)
Reviewed and reported on action items from the previous meeting
Emily sent out a document to Allen with lyrics for Christmas carolling to send out to coop
Francesca to send out link to lantern ideas for winter solstice
Thank you’s for events in the last month
Emily for organising the skating party
Emily and Steve for singing out the carols
Francesca for the Solstice cider
Emily for organising the decoration clean up
Thanks to everyone who helped to get packages to their neighbours during the holiday delivery chaos
Francesca has purchased Canva Pro edition - exec team will need to email Francesca to get a Canva
January/February Events
Quiz Night - 16 units signed up for February (floor vs floor)
Valentine’s - Francesca has set up Valentine’s card exchange
Pouneh may do a seasonal craft
Literary journal - Francesca purchased supplies and will get it printed at the print shop. The kids will have an assembly party to put it together.
Garden movie nights in the winter, weather allowing (after AV gear is purchased)
Action Items:
April and Lerin will look into resorting the books in the common room and will pose the question to the coop on if they use the book deposits from VPL
Lerin will take pictures of toys and send to Emily to post for giveaway
Emily to look into finding someone who is willing to get playground updates researched
Francesca to talk to Kim face to face about the playground updates
Francesca to host a meet and greet event with all co-op members
Francesca to set up a quiz night in January and to set up teams by floors
Francesca to talk to Ryanne about hosting a weekend neighbourhood walk about and building tour
Francesca to order new AV gear
Francesca to send an order to the Board to replace signage in front of the common room bathroom
Francesca will talk to Marcelo to get more information about the ARC workshops
Committee members to check email regarding the ARC workshops