Last Updated:
February 21, 2024
Francesca de Freitas
| Version: 1
members are following updates on this item.
Events Committee Meeting
Tuesday, February 20, 2024
Francesca, Marisol, Lerin, and April
Draw for monthly co-op star award vouchers
Winners: Pouneh (star) Brianne (nominator)
Reviewed and reported on action items from the November meeting
AV media gear has been purchased and set up
Thank You’s this month
Lerin and Jordan for Coho holiday cards
Alex Oulton for purchasing the media gear
Pouneh for providing the delicious teas during afternoon tea
Rick for hosting the first cookie social since March 2020
Upcoming Events
Movie night - Rex starting movie nights again
Easter Egg hunt - needs a host, and budget
Hallway giveaway/cleanup/junk removal/power washing, waiting for the office (possibly end of May)
Open door tour - Jenna, Linda G. will vote on a date, possibly in April
Group photo - need a photographer. Will get cookies again
Go By Bike Week - June 3-9, 2024
Yard sale - Lerin to look into this (possibly in the summer)
Action Items:
Francesca to put out coop-wide email as call out for volunteers/lead for the Easter Egg hunt (if Jenna is unavailable)
Francesca to put a call out to be the photographer or to organise the photographer for the coop annual group photo
Francesca to submit purchase new tables from Costco
Lerin to look into putting an Events committee board above the heater near the west/courtyard entrance