Last Updated:
February 9, 2021
Francesca de Freitas
| Version: 2
members are following updates on this item.
Events Committee Meeting
Tuesday, February 8, 2021
Francesca de Freitas, Marisol Santos, Leryn , Emily Kennedy, Liam, Brianne
On FB: not on FB today
Draw for monthly co-op star award vouchers
Winners: Caitlin (star) Brianne (nominator)
Reviewed and reported on action items from the previous meeting
Thank you’s for events in the last month
Claire for another craft sessions, Peter for hosting, and Liam and Eoin for organizing and delivering craft supplies (14 kids joined)
Kids book club
Eve for organizing the Adult book club
Helen for organizing the Lego club
Quiz show (24 people attended), cost $262.50 ($11/person)
Will look into making this an ongoing event
Maybe have an anonymous tip jar to help with the cost
Maybe schedule one in March or April
April posted on Facebook about VPL crafting event
Francesca purchased pieces of art from Marlene to send to Claire as a thank you for the crafting event
Weekly challenge draw (write something positive that has happened during lockdown): Nels
March Events
Weekly challenge - Pi Day
Weekly challenge - figure out something for St. Patrick’s Day
Easter Events
Egg hunt and egg drop are put on hold until provincial health orders
We could potentially create a photo scavenger hunt around the village
Emily may look into collecting candy to put into Easter bag for the kids
Could we do a singalong in the breezeway as we did for the Christmas carols?
Francesca attended AGM and provided numbers and information to members
Start putting a calendar in the elevator with quarantine challenge
Action Items:
Francesca to talk to Kristie about photo composite of the coop
Francesca and Brianne will work together to use Kahoot for a possible monthly quiz show
Liam to talk to kids book club to see if they want to stop using themes
Francesca to look into getting the mural updated
Francesca to look into getting a quiz show organized mid-April
Lerin to look not online tip jar to cover quiz night costs
Liam to create posters for the quiz night in April
Francesca to talk to Shane about doing a Zoom/virtual egg drop or just watch on the breezeway (during Spring Break)
Francesca to put a call out for a volunteer for a co-op video game session
Francesca will look into creating a poster in the elevator and above the mailbox which includes STAR Awards, weekly challenges and events calendar