Last Updated:
August 19, 2021
Francesca de Freitas
| Version: 2
members are following updates on this item.
Tuesday, Aug 17, 2021
Attendees: Francesca, Marisol, Emily Kennedy, Lerin
On FB: not on FB today
Draw for monthly co-op star award vouchers
Winners: Jenny Woodruff (star) Tara Stephens (nominator)
Reviewed and reported on action items from the previous meeting
Lerin looked into abandoned dishwashers and Emily has asked about changing the common room dishwasher with the abandoned dishwasher
Lerin checked on possibly having coop group camp site
Thank you’s for events in the last month
Pouneh for her crafting days
We will no longer be doing weekly challenges
September/October Events
Halloween (Everyone to think about, emily to see if Dave and Andrea interesting again)
Dungeons and Dragons - Cole looking into if this is possible
Yoga outdoors - successful outside but restrictions have been changed so yoga can be done indoors
Kids’ literary journal - will need to spiral bound and will need money from budget to pay for this
Need money for club that will be set up by Liam and Maddox (they will have to put a plan together)
Action Items:
Francesca to follow up with Board on piano (what needs to be done)
April and Lerin will look into resorting the books in the common room and will pose the question to the coop on if they use the book deposits from VPL
Francesca to look into getting the safe removed from the common room
Emily to look into finding someone who is willing to get playground updates researched
Francesca to look into submit a work order to install dishwasher
Lerin to look into next quiz night payment
Committee members to ask Mark about where to put AV gear if purchased
Francesca to talk to Leigh about the choir contacts and organisation