Last Updated:
July 18, 2023
Francesca de Freitas
| Version: 2
members are following updates on this item.
Tuesday, July 18, 2023
Attendees: Francesca, Marisol, April
Draw for monthly co-op star award vouchers
Winners: Ross (star) Kai (nominator)
Reviewed and reported on action items from the June meeting
Marisol’s campsite recommendation - Paradise Valley Campground
Thank You’s this month
Greg F for organizing the campout
Jenny W and Calvin for security
Peter G for the pancake breakfast
Upcoming Events
Cookie socials (there is interest but waiting for sourcing)
BBQ date TBD in Aug (Patries to organize)
Talent show Aug 26 (Steve Venegas to organize and will need support for this event)
Sports Day date TBD in Aug (Liam to organize)
Pride Week event in the lobby TBD in Aug (Lisa to organize)
Storytimes (Francesca to look into this for September)
Lisa Sunday Drinks night
Celise has ideas for the mural project
Action Items:
Francesca to look in storytime in September
Francesca to petition the Board to buy a new projector in September