Last Updated:
November 16, 2019
Matt Dolf
| Version: 3
members are following updates on this item.
Date: July 27, 2017
Chair Francesca (407)
Attendance: Sarah Cochrane (209), Rejoice (212), Kristie (311)
Regrets: Emily (10?), April (160)
Agenda – Review March Minutes
Action - Minutes from March were approved.
Francesca: To check with Jen Allen about the common room checklist.
Francesca: To investigate replacement speakers for common room.
Francesca: To get in touch with Emergency (Natural Disaster) Preparedness Committee and Jenny Allen to see what interest there is in organizing. Who to organize? Jen? Ctte?
Kristie: To organize honey harvest party in August.
Vicky: To Organize Pride Celebration
Funds Allocation: To allocate rolling social events funds to $50 (1 event per month). If there are more requests than that, we can discuss to increase event budget.
Francesca: To email all hosts of 2017 Cookie socials for feedback on their experiences.
Invitation: “Would you like to meet many of your neighbours?”
Rough Budget allocation approved as per spreadsheet.
Sarah: To investigate having music performances (contact LFAS) – possibly as part of volunteer hours through high school.
Sarah: To look into organizing a Co-op Choir (possible accompanist in Kristie Keene/Arlen).
Consider open-door tour every other year.
Note for 2018: Twice as much cake needed for co-op birthday.
Francesca: To order new frame for co-op picture. Older pictures to be mounted in the stairwell? (Action: just do it and see if it’s a problem later)
Francesca: To contact Bike Committee regarding Bike Maintenance Events (no need to link to Bike to work week).
Francesca: To schedule event for people to paint their mural and to update the wall.
Request for new outside brooms in courtyard (for adults).
Francesca: to source outside brooms.
Next person who organizes clothing swap to relabel bins (with Rayman’s label maker)
Add oven cleaning to spring cleaning list; buy oven cleaner.
Francesca to put up note looking for hosts of the following events:
Ping Pong event
Bike maintenance
Hallowe’en Trick or treat
Giving Room
Pub Nights
Cookout host for 2018
Rejoice: To organize adult movie night in fall.
Francesca: To contact Andrea re: Rock Band Night
Francesca: Map of the world posted in laundry room. Get dots & email.