Last Updated:
November 16, 2019
Matt Dolf
| Version: 3
members are following updates on this item.
AV Co-op Events Committee Meeting Thursday March 9, 2017
Chair: Francesca (407), Present: Julie (314) - minutes, April (160), Rejoice (212)
- Francesca needs to send out an email about nut allergies - Francesca will ask Rayman to find the checklist for post event cleaning and add to the checklist if basic supplies need to be replaced to email Rayman about it. - Minutes from November are approved - Francesca will post to Facebook to see if anyone is interested in: - planning an event for Earth Day - hosting monthly Toy Cleaning (a budget of $10 has been approved to buy a box of gloves) - $100 is approved for the printing of another co-op photo in May. Lauren will take the photo. The previous photo will be kept on the wall above the new one. It is important to stress that the photo be displayed and may be used in presentations so if members are uncomfortable make sure to stay out of the photo. - New event: Matt is hosting a monthly ping pong social on Tuesday night. - Francesca is working on adding an older kid movie night to the schedule in some
way. Bree might be able to host the younger kid movie night so that Francesca can host the one for younger kids. - Budget request upped from $2000 to $3000 because of increased number of events, increased number of members participating and increased costs of things such as cakes. Francesca will be submitting the budget. - Francesca is looking into replacement speakers that won’t get tangled up as easily. She proposes that if there is a budget surplus in the summer that we buy new ones. - Sarah to determine co-op level of interest as to whether it is worth having a skating party with a $250 budget. - Francesca will send the new terms of reference for the events committee out on the mailing list for comment or addition and then submitting it to the board for approval. - April will investigate how people could call in to meetings from home if they can’t