Last Updated:
June 30, 2022
Francesca de Freitas
| Version: 1
members are following updates on this item.
Tuesday, June 14, 2022
Attendees- Francesca, Emily K, April, Lerin
Draw for monthly co-op star award vouchers
https://avcoop. resources/resources_wiki/star_ awards
Winners: Erin (star) Brianne (nominator)
Reviewed and reported on action items from the previous meeting
Thank you’s for events in the last month
Bike event
Co-op caking
Upcoming Events
June 29th - Co-op end of school BYO pizza
July 16th - Patrice to organize Coop BBQ (BYO food to grill)
July 9th - Kids Carnival - Older kids to put on a carnival for the younger kids. Would like leftover face painting supplies.
August campout ? Alex and Peter (waiting on date)
Talent show (Steve to organize)
Mural project (Celise to take over)
April to organize Sunday Spirits. Will pick a date.
Approved $60 to fund Carnival in July - prizes will be candy and popsicles
Board approved an increase in the budget to $4000 in order to account for inflation and to continue some COVID related events (ie Trivia night)
Potential future events
Coop beach day this summer? No need to prebook, just need to pick a day to go
Bike to the beach for kids and adults
Neighbourhood walking tour - Ryanne
Harvest Committee potluck (events committee not involved)
Action Items:
April will pose the question to the coop on if they use the book deposits from VPL (on pause until VPL figures out their plan on book deposits)
Francesca to post signs for putting away kitchen items after use
Francesca to talk to coop member mentors if they still want to continue their involvement in welcoming new members