Last Updated:
March 9, 2021
Francesca de Freitas
| Version: 1
members are following updates on this item.
Events Committee Meeting
Tuesday, March 9, 2021
Attendees: Francesca de Freitas, Marisol Santos, Emily Kennedy, Liam, Brianne
Draw for monthly co-op star award vouchers
Winners: Peter (star) Brianne (nominator)
Reviewed and reported on action items from the previous meeting
Kristie is ready with the coop photo composite and Francesca has the frame
Kids book club will keep themes as they enjoy making them up
Next Quiz Night: Saturday, April 17, 8pm
Shane has volunteered to do a Zoom/virtual egg drop or just watch on the breezeway (March 27)
Shawn organized a Mario Kart game night but had little participation (possibly from it being last minute)
Francesca is working on the calendar that will go on the elevators and online and Emily volunteered to update the one in the elevators
Thank you’s for events in the last month
Valentine’s Day card exchange
Kids book club
Eve for organizing the Adult book club
Shawn for the Mario tournament
Weekly challenge draw (make yourself to a drawing): Marlene
March/April Events
Weekly challenge - Pi Day
Weekly challenge - figure out something for St. Patrick’s Day
Weekly challenge - favourite Beatles songs
Easter Events
Egg hunt and egg drop will be organised by Shane (March 27) - $60 for prizes
We may do a spring celebration instead of Easter, possibly in late April or May when restrictions are lifted and we could all gather outside
Could we do a singalong in the breezeway as we did for the Christmas carols?
We are giving about 6 gift cards as prizes and may need a more sustainable way to provide prizes while still supporting local businesses
Action Items:
Francesca and Brianne will work together to use Kahoot for a possible monthly quiz show
Mikaela will work on kids Kahoot game (possibly spring break or summer)
Francesca to look into getting the mural updated
Liam to create posters for the quiz night in April
Francesca to change Zoom setting to remove waiting room
Francesca to put the weekly draws at the bottom of the calendar for now and monitor if more people will start participating
Emily will look into a spring celebration, possibly late April or May when restrictions are lifted and can all gather outside (may include a photo scavenger hunt)
Francesca to talk to Dave Keeney about leading the spring singalongs on the breezeways (Beatles?)