Date: Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Attendees: Francesca de Freitas, Marisol Santos, Emily Kennedy, April Ens, Kristie Keeney
On FB: Brianne
- We got three new tables for the common room as requested
- All summer events happened with great support from co-op, including campout and end of year pizza party (it was agreed that it was a great idea to include the entire coop)
- Thanks to all for hosting the summer events
- A big thanks to Yuri for hosting all of the Sunday evening socials (Yuri needs to submit his receipts for the socials)
- For the evening socials, Judy hosted September’s and is looking for volunteers for future months
- Thanks to gardening committee for all the work they have done in the garden all summer
- Thank you to Rejoice and Vicky for decorating the lobby for Pride Week
- Coming up: Harvest potluck, Halloween decorating, tree decorating, solstice, Christmas decorations
- Emily discussed honey extraction (Sunday, Sep 22 – common room is booked for the process)
- For the BC Shake-out, Francesca is not sure whether safety committee is still around to organize this. Events committee will not be organizing.
- April inquired about junk removal for the fall/winter (Francesca discussed some of the possible changes to this year’s process based on her discussion with Ryanne)
- Tara Stephens has organized a first aid course in October which cost $305. Events committee members agreed to fund the course, including an additional $30 for coffee/refreshments.
- Kristie volunteered to lead the Halloween door decorating contest and Francesca will be MC for the Halloween trick or treat (need volunteers to decorate lobby)
Action Items
- Reprint Events Committee September calendar to change the DAY of the Harvest potluck and to add honey extraction (see Emily for dates and details)
- Look for volunteers for Halloween and winter decorating and events (to be discussed in next meeting)
- Francesca to get in touch with Ryanne about what is happening with the junk removal and the changes made from previous years
- Add common room cleanup for Fall in the rolling events in the calendar
- Need to look into volunteer to decorate lobby
Facebook Transcript
Francesca de Freitas · 1:09 Hello, just waiting for a few people arrive and we’ll kick off the meting
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· Reply · 1h
Brianne Elizabeth · 15:48 i would love to still be doing stuff with that committee but i havent been able
· Reply · 46m
Brianne Elizabeth · 15:31 yes we are :(
· Reply · 46m
Brianne Elizabeth · 11:07 yasssssssss hangover
· Reply · 50m
Francesca de Freitas · 1:51 Hello, just waiting for a few people to arrive and then we’ll kick off!
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· Reply · 1h
Brianne Elizabeth · 9:09 hiiiiiiiiiii