Last Updated:
November 16, 2019
Matt Dolf
| Version: 3
members are following updates on this item.
Sharon, Secretary
Lobby Art project
$600 for mural, velcro canvases
Set up a project meeting, notify via facebook, slack, email
Table Tennis
Table was approved, has been ordered should arrive in a few weeks
Foosball table was not approved
Store paddles and balls in bag or bucket hard for kids to open
Have a default place for the table to live
Suggestions for poster on guidelines for use:
Always fold up when you’re done
Don’t leave kids unattended
Budget was underspent last year, and looks to be this year. Overestimate this year. Maybe $1000 left, summer events still to happen
Celebration with Fabien, some time in June, date to be verified (Rejoice)
First Aid Course
Do we need three quotes because it is $500?
Safety Committee feels that it cannot be a certifying course
Make sure people pay a small deposit so that they show up
Cookie Social
Ask Alan what he can do with $35 a month
One person host each month
Membership committee could come and welcome new members
Send out a reminder that people who are not on the Events Committee can still plan events.
Pride Week craft
July 16th-17th Pride display
Rainbow chain craft
April can organise, and pick a date
‘Rainbow Crafternoon’
April will find library booklists
Rejoice unavailable July 17-24
Michelle can donate x-box for Rock Band nights, we may be able to store it in the projector cabinet?
Kristie will do a call for a host for Rock Band
Harvest potluck will be at the end of August
Chair proposal - can we move and store them elsewhere? No. Sharon down in minutes to get quotes for chair rentals.
Francesca to talk to Aftab for a proposal for new signage for our bathroom door.
Welcome package project - this is handed off to the new Membership committee
Francesa to send a reminder to everyone that we get discounted fitness passes from the Parks Board
Kristie will post on facebook and Slack asking for champions to organise:
Craft events, kids or adults
Rock band night
Cookout (Patrice confirmed she will organise this)
Video Game night
The committee approves giving $120 ($10/month) to Yuri for snacks for the Sunday Spirits (not alcohol) he will give receipts to Kristie.