Last Updated:
January 14, 2020
Francesca de Freitas
| Version: 2
members are following updates on this item.
Events Committee Meeting
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Attendees: Francesca de Freitas, Marisol Santos, Kristie Keeney, Emily Kennedy
On FB: Marcelo Avelar Cohen, Sandy Tallary, Sue Moroney
Minutes from previous meeting approved by Kristy and Francesca
Alix agreed to host 4th floor potluck and invite all coop members
Francesca has put sign for members to host various Christmas events
Francesca has reminded the Board about Christmas bonuses and waiting to hear from them about what they’re going to do for bonuses
Leigh is organizing choir discussion
Deb is going to organize a kids craft fair but may be pushed to spring
Thank you to Kristy for buying new ping pong balls and paddles
Matt will help fix the sides of the ping pong tables
Francesca put in work order for the broken playground lights
Thank you to Kristy and Francesca for organizing Halloween events
Thank you to Celise (so many compliments) on the lobby decorating and pizza afterwards
Thank you to Madalena for offering to take the photo
Jenny has holiday gift exchange
Sara will be doing cookie exchange
Francesca purchased plastic labels for label maker to label bowls for the common room
Emily has organized a skating party on Saturday, Dec 28 5:30-6:45
Board approved more poster holders for the elevators
On Halloween, members were upset because they were unclear about what decorations were allowed, if any, by the insurance policies
We need a document for each event so new hosts can have a guide
Stolen AV equipment - Francesca has ordered a new DVD player and cabling
Board needs to approve a new projector but need a quote - Francesca will get a quote
We need a place to securely store new AV equipment and a cabinet to hold equipment while it is being used
Coop website - Francesca has populated the Events Committee information
Action Items:
Emily will check with Deb on gifting room
Find someone who can organize charity donation drive (Kerrie can provide advice on how to do this) (Kristie)
Communicate during the AGM and GM the mission (initiative and goals) of the events committee and bring up other events committee members to help co-op members know who they can address if they have problems (Everyone)
Check with Board on alternatives to common room window curtains (Marcelo suggested Ikea black out roller blinds) – Kristy will look into the blinds and Marisol will look into adding a stopper so blinds do not go up too high for members to reach
Kristy will attend choir meeting to ask if anyone wants to host a coop Christmas carolling
Check with Caitlyn about toy swap during holidays (Emily)
Kristy will check with Celise about submitting receipts for the Halloween lobby decorating event
Francesca to send a FB post about doing a more elaborate solstice lantern
Create FB post to ask if anyone wants to host Christmas decorating in the lobby (Francesca)
Create an FB post to ask if anyone has Christmas lights to donate for the lobby (Marisol will check to see if she has any to donate)
Francesca to add skating party (Dec 28, 5:30-6:45pm) at West End Community Centre (Emily will email Francesca with details and create a poster for the elevators)
Kristy will look into a secure cabinet to hold coop AV equipment
Francesca will get a quote for the projector and work with Kristy to send communication to the Board