Last Updated:
July 22, 2022
Francesca de Freitas
| Version: 2
members are following updates on this item.
Tuesday, July 19th 2022
Attendees- Francesca, April, Lerin
Draw for monthly co-op star award vouchers
https://avcoop. resources/resources_wiki/star_ awards
Winners: Saya (star) Jenny W. (nominator)
Reviewed and reported on action items from the previous meeting
Thank you’s for events in the last month
Thank you to Emily for her work on the Events Committee
Patrice and Tim for COOP BBQ
Pizza party
Carnival Event
Upcoming Events
Sun, Jul 24, 7:30pm - Sunday Spirits, South Roof
Fri/Sat, Aug 12 - 13, Courtyard Campout!
Sat, Aug 13, - Pancake breakfast (change on igloo)
Sat, Aug 20, - Co-op Talent Show (Steve to organize). Start time 6pm.
Kids thinking of a shave ice bar for August
Potential future events
Trivia - Shelf for the fall. Plan is for over Zoom.
Mural project (Celise to take over)
Coop beach day this summer? No need to prebook, date needs to be picked
Bike to the beach for kids and adults
Neighborhood walking tour - Ryanne (Ryanne has offered a "I could host a weekend neighborhood walk about and building tour. I could give some history of the building, neighborhood and talk about the co-op guidelines, rules and resources.")
AV gear stolen again (What the fudge!!)
Journal print proof, cost will be $500 to print. Discussed printing copies for the kids (17) that contributed to the journal and then selling other copies to members for $2.
Tiffany wants hard copies of receipts to the office, and emailed copies
Action Items:
Francesca to talk to coop member mentors if they still want to continue their involvement in welcoming new members
Francesca to change typo in Star Awards (Tim)
Francesca to change pancake breakfast date on Igloo (Aug 13th)
Francesca to go back to kids and discuss cost and figure out how to advertise/make posters to get people to sign up
Parking Lot
Sign for common room kitchen - Please wash and put away stuff in the kitchen