Last Updated:
November 9, 2022
Francesca de Freitas
| Version: 1
members are following updates on this item.
Tuesday, November 8, 2022
Attendees: Francesca, Marisol, Lerin, April, Reanne, Lisa
Draw for monthly co-op star award vouchers
Winners: Andrea (star) Marisol (nominator)
Reviewed and reported on action items from the previous meeting
Thank You’s this month
Madalena for taking down Halloween decorations
Andrea for door decorating contest
To everyone who came to the garden cleanup
Christmas cards for COHO employees - to buy cards for coop members to sign
Upcoming Events
Winter solstice - Dec 21 (call out for volunteers, otherwise just cider)
Gifting room - call out for volunteers
Secret Santa gift exchange - Jennie Woodruff
Christmas Carol singing
Crafts market - Pouneh will organise if she can find a couple of people to participate
Sunday Spirits - Nov 27, 7pm and Dec 18, 7pm
Trivia - January
Christmas lobby decorating
Action Items:
Francesca to call out volunteers for Winter Solstice
Francesca to call out volunteers for the gifting room
Francesca to ask Alex if he would be interested in Christmas carol singing
Francesca to book the common room for Sunday Spirits Nov 27, 7pm and Dec 18, 7pm
Francesca to book trivia for January
Francesca to call out volunteers for lobby decorating (tree may not be possible for accessibility issues)
Francesca to talk to the Board about purchasing another AV equipment and if we can store it in the office
Lerin will ask the Board for petty cash for events
Francesca to ask Alex to move the dollies to the proper place
Francesca to send Jordan (cc April) the write up for the events committee contribution to the AGM
Francesca to pass Reanne’s information to Marcelo re: meal train/communicating need for help to the coop