Last Updated:
April 14, 2021
Francesca de Freitas
| Version: 1
members are following updates on this item.
Attendees: Francesca, Marisol , Emily, Liam, April, Lerin
Draw for monthly co-op star award vouchers
Winners: Alex Tu (star) Madalena (nominator)
Reviewed and reported on action items from the previous meeting
Liam created posters for the quiz night in April
Francesca changed Zoom setting to remove waiting room
Francesca put the weekly draws at the bottom of the calendar for now and monitor if more people will start participating
Francesca talked to Dave Keeney about leading the spring singalongs on the breezeways and thought of camp songs
Kids book club will keep themes as they enjoy making them up
Thank you’s for events in the last month
Shane for organizing egg drop and Nancy and Diane for helping with the dropping of eggs
Dave for the singalong
April for the Among Us games
Shawn and Helen for the Mario tournament
The garden and workshop committees for organizing the building of the picnic table in the North Garden
Treasure hunt fairy
Claire for the crafting session
Weekly challenge draw (give your favorite campfire song): Brianne
April/May/June Events
Power washing - May (waiting for Bechir)
Junk removal - done week before power washing
Common area cleanup - done the week junk removal is done
May 29 - bike tune-up session (1-4pm)
May 1 - bike committee will fix bikes and sell to coop
Quiz night is on Saturday, April 17
Zoom pizza party?
Crafting session with Claire?
All committees are having meetings and have set up details on their webpage
Change weekly challenge to biweekly challenge
For the prizes for weekly challenge, we will be using Terra Breads and London Drugs as gift card
Hire kids for poster and card distribution for $10/month. Priority will be given to kids who can do it independently?
CHF BC Conference - Francesca will talk on a panel about keeping social contacts alive during COVID
Action Items:
Francesca and Brianne will work together to use Kahoot for a possible monthly quiz show
Mikaela will work on kids Kahoot game (possibly summer)
Francesca to look into getting the mural updated
Emily will look into a spring celebration, possibly late April or May when restrictions are lifted and can all gather outside (may include a photo scavenger hunt)
April will look into resorting the books in the common room and will pose the question to the coop on if they use the book deposits from VPL
Francesca to send out the list of action items for the common room cleanup
Emily to talk to parents and Jenina and Sandy on what they need done for the playground
Francesca to add bike tune-up day
Francesca to look into a zoom pizza party
Francesca to cc Tiffany (new Finance person) on the power washing and junk removal
Francesca to use “take a picture of your deck” after the power washing and add a reno one for a future week