Last Updated:
November 16, 2019
Matt Dolf
| Version: 4
members are following updates on this item.
November 25, 8-10pm, Unit 507
Chair: Francesca de Freitas
Treasurer: Kristie Keeney
Note taker: Tasha Jory
Calendar Link:
Francesca de Freitas (407), Kristie Keene (311), Tasha Jory (507), Rejoice (212)
Welcoming new members is part of the events committee role (combine budgets)
Suggest board pay Christmas bonuses to staff (we will organize cards)
Francesca to be given $10 for food for the solstice evening
Give Sarah $20/month allocation for cookie socials
$50 budget for lantern-making evening
$50 budget for wreath making evening
Francesca check with Michelle about lantern society (Kristie post on FB)
Francesca to ask Maria about: buget for events notice board, notifying us when new member arrives, how much turnover in the building on average?
Francesca to check with Lee Lax and James McGann about holding CPR/First Aid classes
Francesca to ask Jordan to host dance parties
Rejoice tracking down small business people/entrepreneurs in the building to create list
Rejoice will meet new members and is putting together a welcoming sheet
Kristie talk to Josh about games night ($20 for goodies)
Kristie following up with Lyndsay about toy swap/donations
Tasha getting 4 cards for staff Christmas cards and find out from Tiff about party (OK)
Calendar in newsletter (Francesca to make sure Andrea Fraser-Winsby is invited to next meeting)
Yuri in interested in hosting pub crawl, running group?
Large calendar/list of events in lobby
Do proposal for approval of purchasing a ping pong table (January)
Next meeting discuss monthly solicitation for monthly event volunteers