Last Updated:
May 13, 2020
Francesca de Freitas
| Version: 2
members are following updates on this item.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020, meeting via Zoom
Francesca de Freitas, Kristie Keeney, April Ens, Emily Kennedy, Liam Ghesquiere, Marcelo Cohen
On FB: not on FB today
The Events Committee requests that our annual budget of $3000 be renewed for the year 2020/2021.
Draw for monthly co-op star award vouchers
Winners: Leigh (star) Helen (nominator)
Bookclub will be done on Zoom (Marisol confirmed but no dates set yet)
Set up a competition weekly with a prize of $20 per week. Put details on the coop website for anyone to enter and choose winner.
Suggestion regarding talent showcase (youtube video style) on the website
Action Items
Email receipts to Bechir to be reimbursed (everyone)
Liam to look into kids book club
Think about activities for weekly challenge (everyone)
Francesca to talk to Marcelo re: uploading videos on the website
Look into how we can update the mural in isolation (Francesca)
Update the lift signs, leave contact info, put signs up for weekly challenge and co-op star awards.
Talk to Bechir about including Co-ho in the weekly challenge (Francesca)
Coordinating wall art to say think you to Mark? Maybe make into next week's challenge, and include other coho staff? (Liam, Emily)