Last Updated:
June 11, 2024
April Ens
| Version: 1
| 1 follower
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Events Committee Meeting
Tuesday, June 11, 2024
Jenny B, Tehya, Linda, Marisol, and April
Draw for monthly co-op star award vouchers
Winners: None (star) None (nominator)
Reviewed and reported on action items from the May meeting
Due date for receipts is July 2
Upcoming Events
Catapult competition - Shane to organize
Jacob is organizing co-op birthday, with Linda
will source photographer for coop birthday
will look into cookies
Action Items:
Lerin to email Francesca re: list of things she does for Events Committee
Lerin to take on kids’ art on the events calendar
April to contact Patries about summer bbq, Alex Tu about coop campout, and Lisa L about Sunday Spirits
Marisol to talk to Shane about the catapult competition