Last Updated:
March 11, 2020
Francesca de Freitas
| Version: 1
members are following updates on this item.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Francesca de Freitas, Marisol Santos, Kristie Keeney, Emily Kennedy, Liam
On FB: Brianne Elizabeth, April Ens
Reviewed and report on actions from the previous meeting from minutes
Thanks to event hosts from the previous month
Francesca and kids, Valentine’s Day cards
Events committee for all of the meetings they’ve accomplished the past year
Katherine H, cookie socials
Shane and Nancy will judge the April 13 Egg drop competition (without catapult competition)
Egg drop competition will be held after egg drop competition (date TBD)
Coming up
Pi Day (Francesca)
Egg hunt (Peter)
Egg drop (Nancy and Shane)
May bday celebration
Cocktail social on rooftop May 30th (Gardening Committee)
Marcelo will be board liaison to the Events Committee
AV cabinet installed, old cabinet removed
Disney+ works with the projector in the common room, hurrah!
Poster holders installed (thanks, Val!)
You Rock (budget $20 a month 2x JJ Bean coffee cards, buy in advance for the year?) - will need to check on how that will work on the website (web form, email, etc.).....anonymity should be an option
Cleaning/repair of lobby furniture moved to March board meeting
Leigh was interested in the option of the Events committee funding the concert, but it has been delayed for more practice
Junk removal - hoping to book for Tuesday, May 19th
Balcony cleaning - hoping to start the week of May 19
COVID-19 implications (events, toys, anything else to consider?)
We need to be prepared to defer events
We will leave the toys in the common room and lobby for now until official recommendation warrants removal
Francesca has asked Matt Dolf to check with policy committee about the lines drawn to cordon off toys in the lobby and playground (Matt to get back to committee)
Action Items:
Kristy will continue to investigate blinds
Francesca will continue working on mural updating
Francesca to check with Marcelo and Madalena on how they can be in the group coop photo during coop birthday party on May 30th
Committee to keep an eye on choir concert (depends on enough people registering for second choir session)
Francesca to check on how Sunday Social is going (rotating host)
Emily will look into this year’s bike parade
Francesca to talk to Beshir about balcony cleaning and junk removal (May 18)
Francesca will discuss with Beshir on what to do with common room and lobby toys if we need to remove them
Francesca to remind event organizers to add COVID-19 warning to all event recommendation (BC Ministry of Health)
Francesca to ask if anyone has suggestions for the map on Facebook
Francesca to add to the website regarding asking anyone who has board games to lend to other people in the coop