Last Updated:
November 16, 2019
Matt Dolf
| Version: 3
members are following updates on this item.
AV Co-op Events Committee Meeting Thursday September 8, 2016
Chair: Francesca (407),
Present: Julie (314) - minutes, Jackie (504), Reba (318), April (160), Rejoice (212)
The committee discussed upcoming events for the year.
- chairs -> Julie found out that renting chairs would be $1.40 per chair plus delivery
($30) - $150 dollars per meeting -> other option would be to purchase a rack that
would fit through a door and then try to store them downstairs somewhere OR making
them safer
- Julie will write a proposal to the board:
- reasons to get rid of them: -> safety (could fall on kids)
-> chairs are failing and will have to be replaced
-> they take up space and cover the windows
- Rejoice is trying to organize a celebration for Fabien. The games start on the 14th so
Rejoice will post on Facebook so people can watch the stream and then when he
comes home we will have a cake and party.
- cookie social: -> Francesca has found people to host the cookie socials for the next
year (but some people are repeating so if more people volunteer then she can switch
them). 5-7:30pm on the day of the host’s choice in the second week of the month.
That way different people can come out. Alan is providing 3 dozen cookies for $36
and he will leave them outside his door for the host to grab.
- Jackie picked up bookends for April so that project is in progress: donations are now
open again - April has made a sheet with instructions for donating so that people
know what to donate. We will see how that goes and readdress later if neccessary.
- Francesca has ordered the DVD player and HDMI cable and cable to connect iPad
and they will arrive this week.
- Francesca and Kristie looked into a kiddie pool and discovered that better quality
pools take lots of water so would be too dangerous. Francesca suggests that we
purchase the same pool we have again and another for the babies -> APPROVED
- Halloween -> Sharon has agreed to organize
- Allergy check -> Francesca sent out an email but she is concerned that not enough
people saw the email. The allergies that got returned are nut allergies, dairy allergies,
and one person said that they were vegan. Action for Francesca: - note requesting
allergy info in elevator - letter to the board to make the common room and play room
a nut free zone. Talk to Sarah and talk to Deb about how to make this work. (Maybe
we could make just the kids section nut free and not the adult section by Rayman’s
- Francesca needs to find new volunteers for the Christmas giving room. Kerrie has
volunteered to do the Christmas charity boxes
- Francesca is going to check that Pooneh is organizing the Holiday Market
- Mural Project: 35% to 40% of the Co-op has done a mural so Francesca is going to
organize more 5 more painting events and drop off reminders and after that we will
allow people to take paint home.
- Reba wants to organize an international dinner potluck. Reba will post on Facebook
to see who is interested
- Does anyone want to organize a New Year’s Eve Event? Adult or child.
- Claire used to organize the Coho Christmas cards for Rayman, Val and Mark so we
need to find someone else to do this
- We need someone to organize a Christmas toy exchange
- For the birthday caking for the Co-op we could buy one cake and then ask people if
they want to bring anything gluten free or vegan etc. as well (Francesca)
- Ask Jenny whether people would be prepared to pay for the class.
- Budget approved.
- Julie officially accepted position of secretary.
- Francesca will put up a notice asking if anyone would like to be Treasurer.
- Thank you to organizers of July and August events: Patrice, Kristie, the Gardening
Committee and Michelle.
NEXT MEETING: Thursday October 13 at 12:00 noon in Common Room