Last Updated:
May 13, 2021
Francesca de Freitas
| Version: 1
members are following updates on this item.
Tuesday, May 11, 2021
Attendees: Francesca de Freitas, Marisol Santos, Lerin Oystryk, Emily Kennedy
Draw for monthly co-op star award vouchers
Winners: Debra Rolfe (star) Nels (nominator)
Reviewed and reported on action items from the previous meeting
Thank you’s for events in the last month
Dave for continuing to lead the singalongs
April for the Among Us games
Matt, Eve, Ron and Rex for fixing and selling of the bikes to the coop (then Craigslist)
Weekly challenge draw (give your kitchen improvement): Brianne
May/June/July Events
Power washing - June
Junk removal - June
Common area cleanup - June
May 29 - bike tune-up session (1-4pm)
Quiz night - possibly in mid-September (asking members to pay $10/person to participate)
Zoom pizza party?
Gofer - there are enough kids who have volunteered for these tasks until October
CHF BC Conference
Thank you to everyone who sent in photos for the conference
Many of the coops have pet committees (possibly something to have in AVC?)
Lift calendar art has been successful and so far two kids have submitted and Francesca has included Cameron’s art on the May calendar
Bike committee has put a proposal together to use the empty room as an extension of the bike room. If anyone else in the events committee has other ideas for the room, please put the idea forward
Jenny Woodruff has put a proposal for the coop to purchase a foosball table that could go under either the covered areas of the North or South garden (near the hallway). She is asking for endorsement from the Events committee.
Kids book club would like to publish a literary magazine, and invite all co-op kids to contribute. The kids are asking for support and funding on the printing costs ($100-$200). Francesca will discuss this with the kids before approving the funding but the committee supports this initiative.
Action Items:
Mikaela will work on kids Kahoot game (possibly summer)
Francesca to look into getting the mural updated
Emily will look into include a photo scavenger hunt
April will look into resorting the books in the common room and will pose the question to the coop on if they use the book deposits from VPL
Marisol to go through action items for the common room cleanup
Francesca to look into getting the safe removed from the common room
Emily to talk to parents and Jenina and Sandy on what they need done for the playground
Francesca to look into a zoom pizza party/individually wrapped treats
Francesca to use “take a picture of your deck” after the power washing and add a reno one for a future week
Lerin to look into how to get members interested in quiz night to pay for the event (via etransfer?)