Last Updated:
October 29, 2019
Matt Dolf
| Version: 2
| 1 follower
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At a general meeting, every motion must be determined by ordinary resolution unless otherwise required by the Act or these Rules.
In case of an equality of votes,
[a] the chair of a general meeting is not entitled to a second or casting vote; and
[b] the motion is defeated.
Unless otherwise provided in the Act or these Rules, every motion for a resolution put to a vote at a general meeting is to be decided on a show of hands unless, before the vote is taken, the chair designates, or five or more members request, a secret ballot.
The chair must declare to the general meeting the decision on every motion in accordance with the result of the show of hands or the secret ballot, and that decision must be entered in the minutes of the meeting.
Unless a secret ballot is required or demanded, a declaration by the chair of the decision on a motion and an entry in the minutes to that effect, in absence of evidence to the contrary, shall be conclusive evidence of the result.