Last Updated:
October 19, 2024
April Ens
| Version: 1
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Events Committee Meeting
Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Lerin, Marisol, Tehya, Erin and April
Draw for monthly co-op star award vouchers
Winners: None (star), (nominator) - will be grouped with October
Reviewed and reported on action items from the July meeting
Upcoming Events
October movie night (?) - TBD (Rex to determine)
Common area/Courtyard clean-up Nov 16th 9-12pm
Hallway giveaway Sat/Sun Nov 16/17th?
Junk Removal Monday, Novr 18th-20th?
Halloween - door decorating contest and trick or treating
Action Items:
Lerin to email Misbah to confirm junk removal, common area and hallway giveaway dates
Lerin to ask Francesca where the Halloween decorations are
Marisol to ask Andrea about signage for Halloween door decorating contest
Erin to set up Zoom for future meetings
April to look into migrating old Events Committee documents
Tehya to provide April with her personal paid Canva subscription
Tehya to make the coop holiday cards for coop staff member