Last Updated:
March 23, 2021
Francesca de Freitas
| Version: 1
members are following updates on this item.
Draw March 23, winner: Terry.
There once was a co-op so fun,
The people so cool, every one,
They wrote online jokes,
To entertain folks,
And gloat on the prizes they won.
Happy Paddy's Day! Write us a limerick - the sillier the better! (See How to write a limerick!)
This is part of the Events Committee Weekly Quarantine Challenge.
Entries this week
1. Steve Venegas
There once was a neighbour named Steven
From the co-op he is never leavin
You might see his face
In the halls of this place
Or a Marvel movie in blockbuster season
2. Meg O'Shea
Good luck if you’re moving a table!
Technician says it’s still unstable.
Don’t be a nitwit,
Turn on your Fitbit
Please use the stairs if you’re able
3. Terry Brown
Elevators go up and go down,
When that stops we all make a frown.
When there is only one
Might as well be none
Life is hard when we can't get to town
4. Brianne Elizabeth
There once was a dog named Sketch.
He really liked to stretch.
Was he a mutt?
You bet your butt!
And his favourite game is fetch.