May 11, 2021
| 1 follower
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Dear Members,
The junk removal has been scheduled for June 1st. Please put any unwanted items down in the designated area in the parkade. Starting May 21st, 2021.
The area is in the back corner of our main parkade. It is right by stairwell #4, and parking stall 75 and 90. This is right by the motorcycle parking. Take the elevator down to P1, go out the door, turn left, then go all the way to the end. Place your items inside the orange cones. All unwanted items must be placed within these cones by Tuesday, June 1st at 9am.
Thank you,
Bechir Ndarama
COHO Management Services Society
220 – 1651 Commercial Drive
Vancouver, B.C. V5L 3Y3
Tel: (604) 873-1066
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