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Archives for May 2020 « Recent Articles
Challenge: Send us a household selfie - Deadline May 31, 6pm
This week is the AV Co-op's 9th birthday, this is when we take our annual group photograph. Your challenge this week is to take a picture of your household, so we can assemble a co-op quarantine portrait collage to take the place of our group photo in the lobby.
To follow the co-op birthday theme, you will get a bonus entry into this week's draw if your photograph includes cake!
- Post your entry on Facebook, Slack, or email your entry…
This week is the AV Co-op's 9th birthday, this is when we take our annual group photograph. Your challenge this week is to take a picture of your household, so we can assemble a co-op quarantine portrait collage to take the place of our group photo in the lobby.
To follow the co-op birthday theme, you will get a bonus entry into this week's draw if your photograph includes cake!
- Post your entry on Facebook, Slack, or email your entry…
It's time to update the lobby mural - but this time, we can't get
together and have painting parties. We need to adapt our 2020 Mural
Updating to accommodate people social distancing. Please complete this
survey to help us make a plan and determine what supplies to purchase!
Survey Link: https://www.
Athlete’s Village Housing Co‐op Lobby Mural Project 2020 Take this survey powered by Create your own surveys for free. |
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