Last Updated:
January 3, 2020
Francesca de Freitas
| Version: 4
members are following updates on this item.
The cookie social is a monthly event where someone gives away cookies in the lobby to anyone who comes along. The Events Committee buys 3 dozen cookies from Alan (from Cookies of Course,) he brings them fresh on the day.
Sample Calendar Entry
Wednesday, Jan 15, 5-6:00pm, Lobby. Cookie Social. Meet your neighbours and grab a cookie.
Sample Online Announcement
The monthly cookie social is on down in the lobby, come and down and enjoy tasty treats and hang out with your neighbours. Cookies are provided!
Notes for Hosts
Thanks for volunteering to host the cookie social. This is our easiest event, cookies are provided, you just relax in the lobby and hand them out!
Can I please put you down for the month of xxx? You can pick any day between xxx.
Cookie Social background:
The Cookie Social Volunteer schedule is here: sheets/d/11DpPD_92ZLsqK1wYkv9M J0Mn-zGJhH-AewdZBb55iOM/edit# gid=0